“Humanis rights” is an acrylic painting. This painting is part of a panel that is exposed on the station of the city of Aveiro (Portugal). Read more: http://assocpais-eb1-gloria.blogspot.pt/2008/12/60-anos-da-declarao-universal-dos.html
This club brings together the work done by the children and their teachers related with the stories of Little Lótus Fairy. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.403053536386021.97920.278010688890307&type=3 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.498302756861098.118544.278010688890307&type=3 http://cristina-maya-caetano.webnode.pt/products/product-2/
Cristina was selected for the ” XI Florence Biennial – eARTh: Creativity & Sustainability”, Fortezza da Basso, Florence, Italy. 2017, October 6-15. Arte Studio S.r.I.
2017, June, “Biennal Basel”, Switzerland. Curated by Heinz Playner. Cristina Maya Caetano will participe with her artworks ” The Other Light” and “Embrace your Inner Beauty”.